[Treasure Co-founder: Game Catalyst Plan is constrained, ZKsync is more helpful for the project to realize its vision] On September 14, Treasure Co-founder Karel Vuong published a long article on the X platform to clarify the reasons and motivations for Treasure DAO to migrate from Arbitrum to ZKsync. The article pointed out that the team loves Arbitrum very much and has built, developed and grown with Arbitrum over the past 3 years. However, 7 months have passed since the game catalyst vote, and a lot of things have changed. Although Karel Vuong denied that grants were the core reason that prompted Treasure to leave Arbitrum, Karel Vuong said that after investing a lot of time and energy to make GCP a reality, promote it within the DAO, and do everything possible to push it forward, it is disappointing to see Arbitrum representatives dragging Treasure behind the scenes. In addition, Karel Vuong said that ZKsync is more helpful for the project to realize its vision, that is, large-scale adoption, in terms of scalability, throughput, cost, game possibilities, onboarding, interoperability, etc. This is the main reason why the team chose ZKsync.