Let me talk about the short order of ckb. First of all, why do I want to hold the short order!

First of all, this kind of coin basically has a wave flow. After this wave ends, there may be a period of weakness. In fact, it is best to be short at that time. I hold the short order because I came in and don’t want to close the position and reopen the short position. Secondly, I have a long order of Ethereum to support me, so I dare to be short!

If the fans and brothers do not have a hedge order and a profitable order to support the bottom, it is recommended not to be short now. Not to mention the expensive funding fee, it has been in a strong period now. I don’t know when it will fall, but I can consume it. I am afraid that you can’t consume it, so I warmly remind the brothers that you must act according to your own ability! Don’t be too excited when making orders!