Whether or not you have seized the opportunity of the surge in UXlink and Bigtime, the logic behind this wave of market is worth deep thinking, and you can draw valuable experience from it to improve your acumen in the crypto market.

First of all, UXlink is the detonation point of this market. No one can say exactly why the market suddenly hyped UXlink, but judging from the results, the hype was extremely successful. On the day it was launched on the UP platform, UXlink directly soared three times. This increase reveals that the liquidity and market attention of the token were originally relatively low. Before the launch of UP, although the coin had landed on OKX, domestic users could hardly trade or even search for it, which led to a high concentration of chips in the hands of a few people. After the launch of UP, the Korean market seemed to have become the main buying force, which may also be the core reason for the pull.

The surge in UXlink triggered the follow-up market of Bigtime. Bigtime is one of the few currencies that also launched UP in September, and its market value is relatively low, so funds overflowed from UXlink and naturally flowed into Bigtime, driving its rapid surge.

According to this logic, the coins in September have been hyped up, so there will be people ambushing the coins that were launched in August, so ath and pendle were bought up, and those who didn’t get these coins will look for the coins that were launched in July, so G was also bought up. I think no one will push the coins launched in June and May... The effect will only get smaller and smaller.

So you saw the surge in uxlink, which led to the surge in bigtime, and ath, pendle and G were also pulled up by the ambushing funds!

This is the logic of the rise of these tokens. You can summarize what experience you can get from reviewing this logic!

I believe it will be useful for your future crypto transactions!