Why has China been encouraging childbirth? We have 1.4 billion people, the US population is less than 350 million, and the Russian population is less than 150 million

1. The population structure is pyramid-shaped, and the aging problem is too serious! Let's put it this way. There are more than 300 million Americans, but there are more than 100 million young workers in the US. There are 1.4 billion Indians, with 600 to 700 million young workers, while we have 1.4 billion people and only 200 million young people.

2. The problem of population aging in our country is quite serious. There are more and more elderly people and fewer and fewer young people, which will lead to a tight labor market and increased pressure on social security. Therefore, encouraging childbirth is to ensure that there will be enough labor to support economic development in the future.

3. Today's young people are under great pressure. Buying a house, raising a family, and providing for the elderly are enough for one child, let alone two. The country encourages childbirth in the hope of alleviating this pressure and making more people willing to give birth.

4. The development of our country requires talents, and the cultivation of talents must start from childhood. In the long run, having more children is to cultivate more talents and reserve strength for the development of the country.

5. The larger the population base, the greater the market potential. More children means more consumption demand, which is good for promoting domestic demand and economic growth.

6. Encouraging childbirth is also to balance the gender ratio. There are more men than women now. If things continue like this, there will be many social problems. Having more children will help improve this problem.

7. After so many years of implementing the one-child policy in our country, we suddenly found that the family structure is too simple, there are fewer children, and the family relationship has become weak. Having more children is conducive to the enrichment and harmony of family relationships.

8. Encouraging childbirth can also drive the development of related industries, such as education, medical care, real estate, etc., which is another great boost to economic growth.

9. Population is the foundation of a country, and the number and quality of population are directly related to the country's comprehensive national strength. If our country wants to maintain its advantage in international competition, the population policy must keep up.

10. Besides, children are the future of the country and the hope of the family. Having more children will make our country full of vitality and a better future. Of course, this also requires sufficient support and guarantee from the country in terms of policies.