9.13ETH White Market Analysis
In the past two days, the liquidity of Ethereum has declined, the market volatility has gradually narrowed, and the overall wait-and-see sentiment in the market is serious. At present, Ethereum has been blocked from rising several times near 2400, and the price has to retreat to a low level of shock and consolidation. The hourly Bollinger channel and the moving averages of various levels have gradually tightened, which also shows that Ethereum has entered a low-speed overall period in the short term. It is recommended that you do not be too aggressive in short-term operations. The operation ideas are recommended to operate around the box range.
Operation ideas:
It is recommended to rebound 2380-2400 short orders, target 2320-2300, stop loss 2430
The strategy is for reference only. Please control your position and take profit and stop loss!