Here’s a detailed breakdown of the Ethereum (ETH) monthly return table from 2016 to 2024. This table is a monthly percentage change chart that shows how much the value of Ethereum has changed over the period. Let’s dive into the data to understand the key trends and patterns.

1. General overview and seasonal trends

The table shows significant volatility in Ethereum returns over the course of a year. Some months regularly show positive returns, while others often result in losses. Let’s look at the key observations:

January: The average return is +23.36%, and the median is +32.18%. January often shows good results. Notably, in 2021, the return was especially high - +78.51%, which was a record for the entire analyzed period.

February: On average, it returns +17.13%, and the median is +14.89%. The month is characterized by positive changes, especially in 2017 with +48.09% and in 2019 with +27.22%.

March: Average return +22.86%, median +10.58%. This month is also quite volatile, but usually brings profit. The biggest growth was in 2017 — +214.11%.

April: Average return is +22.37%, median is +18.58%. April is generally a positive month, with exceptional growth in 2021 at +44.29% and in 2020 at +55.04%.

May: The average return in May is negative at -30.22%, while the median is positive at +12.21%. This month is marked by high losses in 2018 (-53.79%) and 2022 (-28.84%), which reduces the overall average return.

June: Average return -7.44%, median -8.68%. June is also often negative, most notably in 2022 with -44.79%. However, there have also been growth years, such as 2019 with +8.86%.

July: Average return is positive +5.52%, median -4.82%. This month shows mixed results, with outstanding gains in 2020 (+53.54%) and significant losses in 2019 (-24.77%).

August: Average return +6.12%, median -7.33%. August shows uncertain results, with positive changes in 2021 (+35.62%) and significant losses in 2022 (-7.33%).

September: Average return -6.94%, median -12.55%. September is traditionally the month with the largest losses. Of the nine years analyzed, only three were positive, with the largest losses observed in 2017 (-21.65%) and 2022 (-14.49%).

October: Average return +5.79%, median +3.88%. October shows mixed results with a trend towards positive returns. Significant gains were in 2021 (+42.92%) and 2020 (+7.22%).

November: Average return +2.97%, median -4.32%. November is also an unpredictable month. In 2020, it brought in an impressive +59.45%, but in 2018 and 2019, returns were negative.

December: Average return +8.92%, median +2.50%. December often brings positive results, although there are exceptions, like in 2021 (-20.61%). The best result was in 2017 - +70.54%.

2. Identifying key patterns and anomalies

Volatility and Trends: Ethereum shows significant fluctuations, especially in the first months of the year (January, February, March), when we see the highest positive and negative returns. This can be attributed to market speculation and news about technology and regulations.

Bearish Months: May, June, and September often show negative returns. This can be due to factors such as selling after the spring rally or the summer slowdown in investor activity.

Periods of sharp growth: January and February (in some years) have shown sharp increases, such as in 2021 and 2024. These months may indicate the possibility of speculative demand or significant announcements and updates on the Ethereum network.

3. Long-term trends

Steady gains with big drops: While many months show high returns, long-term volatility remains high. The overall trend shows significant monthly jumps both up and down, indicating the need for a cautious approach to investing.

Uncertainty of Predictions: While some months are historically better, it is difficult to predict the results for each year. There is no stability in returns, which is typical for crypto markets.

4. Conclusion: How to use this data?

This data highlights the importance of understanding seasonal and short-term trends in the crypto market. For investors:

Entry and Exit Strategies: You can use the data on your best and worst months to plan your entries and exits.

Diversification and Risk Management: In a highly volatile environment, it is worth considering diversification strategies to minimize the risks associated with unpredictable fluctuations in the Ethereum price.

Be prepared for volatility: The Ethereum market is not for the faint of heart. Investors should be prepared for strong fluctuations and carefully plan their positions using technical and fundamental analysis.

In summary, this table analysis shows that Ethereum continues to be one of the most volatile and potentially profitable assets in the crypto market, but also requires discipline and careful risk management from investors.

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