Depth bomb in the currency circle! The old currency rebirth trap, how can retail investors avoid zeroing?

Be alert! The currency circle has reappeared the "zeroing" crisis. Even the "bottom-fishing" operation that seems to be a sure win may become a fatal trap for retail investors. As many old currencies are no longer popular, project parties have transformed or issued new currencies in order to protect themselves and make profits, but the market response is cold and the hype space is limited. Therefore, they used "marketing dramas" to create the illusion of bottom-fishing to attract retail investors to enter the market to take over, but in fact they secretly withdrew funds, and finally a wave of market crashes left retail investors with nothing. This is the shocking truth why those long-forgotten currencies can still trigger a new round of plunges. Retail investors must be vigilant, invest cautiously, and avoid falling into this carefully designed trap! #美降息25个基点预期升温