Liang Xi is optimistic about the future market again, and is going to get rich.

Good evening, Bitcoin and Ethereum have risen by about 5 points, which is really fierce. Last night's market analysis said that Bitcoin closed at 56425 in one hour, and Ethereum closed at 2323 in one hour, and then it began to rebound, and also reminded how much the 4-hour level would stabilize before the market went up! The direction and points were given to everyone in advance. Those who are long can go with the trend and make money. For those who are short, I looked at the 1-hour K-line. As long as you watch the market, you will definitely make a profit. If you don't watch the market, it will be uncomfortable! This wave of rise has led to a rebound at the daily level. When it fell sharply a few days ago, I recharged everyone's faith to buy Bitcoin. Last night, I talked about my entry price and average position price. If you keep losing money playing contracts, you can take a look at my strategy!

Today's market analysis:

Cryptocurrency is currently rebounding from the daily line at the 4-hour level. Today, the support level below the callback is around 57715-57300-56650. As long as the 4-hour level does not fall below 57300, the small level will still go up. If it falls below 57300, the 4-hour level will start to callback.

Today, the upper pressure level will continue to rise, and the upper pressure level will be around 58500-59100-59800!

Ether is currently rebounding from the daily line at the 4-hour level. Today, the support level below the callback is around 2350-2325-2300. Pay special attention to the position of 2350 today. If it falls below, the 4-hour level will start to callback.

Today, the upper pressure level will continue to rise, and the upper pressure level will be around 2388-2415-2450!

26040889994#美国大选如何影响加密产业? #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币 2284820430658116071446$BTC $ETH 56345032683 58530670404 57590854745 211847703 37