No need to guess the rise and fall in the evening. The price of big cake has reached a critical position again. Will it break through upward or fall sharply? This signal is very obvious. Whether you are bold or timid, Lao Jiu will explain a few key points about the trend in the evening! Please pay attention to it, friends!

1. The short-term price of big cake has come to around 58k again, which is also near the middle track of the daily Bollinger channel. This position is very critical. Take a break and continue to pull up!

2. The current market lacks popularity, funds are scattered, and it is difficult to form a joint force! Especially for the copycat targets, they just rebounded a little and were pressed to the floor again! So the best way to deal with it now is to watch more and do less!

3. A new upward trend has been formed in 4 hours. Next, please prepare the sack, fasten your seat belt, sit firmly and hold on to welcome a hearty surge;

We have persisted all the way to today, just to eat meat in the future; please keep calm at the critical moment, and hold it for me peacefully before I say sell! #美降息25个基点预期升温 #以太坊基金会 #特朗普哈里斯辩论未提及加密货币