Let's talk about rolling positions. First of all, we need to know when rolling positions are suitable:

Currently, only the following three situations are suitable for rolling positions:

1-Choose direction after the long-term sideways volatility "new low"

2-Bull market after a big rise in the market

3-Break through the major resistance level/support level of the weekly line

In general, only the above three situations have a greater chance of winning, and all other opportunities should be abandoned.

The following is the operation method of rolling positions:

Floating profit increase position: After obtaining floating profit, you can consider increasing the position to buy. But before increasing the position, you need to ensure that the holding cost has been reduced to reduce losses This does not mean blindly adding positions after making a profit, but it should be done at the right time.

Bottom position + T rolling position operation: Divide the funds into multiple parts, leave a part of the bottom position unchanged, and use the other part of the position for high-selling and low-buying operations. The specific proportion can be selected according to personal risk preference and fund scale. For example, you can choose half-position rolling T, 30% bottom position rolling T or 70% bottom position rolling T. This operation can reduce the cost of holding positions and increase profits! !

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