Today I will introduce to you a very popular project, which is being discussed on almost the entire Internet.

Project name: dappOS, an Intent Execution Network.

Project Twitter: @dappOS_com

DappOS is an intention execution network for specific value tasks, enabling chains and DApps to be intention-centric. To put it simply, it is a system that converts user ideas into results on the blockchain, connecting service providers and developers to complete tasks.

dappOS provides unified accounts, intent assets, and real-time dApp contract interaction. Users can seamlessly manage assets on multiple blockchains, use intent assets such as intentUSD to simplify stablecoin operations, and achieve higher efficiency in the use of digital assets. Its real-time interaction framework optimizes user experience, simplifies complex on-chain operations, and improves the convenience of blockchain applications.

dappOS uses an innovative OMS underlying mechanism, designed specifically for intent scenarios, to improve task execution efficiency, ensure user safety, and become the core infrastructure of the intent track. The importance of this mechanism is equivalent to Eigenlayer's AVS in the Restaking track. dappOS has a wealth of application scenarios, such as unified accounts, intent assets, etc. With its first-mover advantage, it cooperates with Web3 projects to consolidate its leading position in the intent track.

DappOS has received USD 20 million investment from first-tier institutions such as Binance, Polychain, and Sequoia, and has also received investment from many first-tier large firms, with market expectations fully raised.

Recently, Binance Web3 Wallet and dappOS jointly held an event. Participating and completing tasks can share 500,000 US dollars, and you can also get a rare NFT and. The task is very simple.


Task 1: Mint at least $10 worth of intent assets. You can top up your assets into dappOS and redeem them for intentUSD, intentETH, or intentBTC.

Task 2: Interact with any DApp running on the dappOS Intent Execution Network.


1Open Binance Web3 wallet, click on the banner on the homepage, participate in dappOS and interact with the intended assets

2Click Deposit Now in the task list, then click Deposit, find the deposit address of the opbnb chain, and copy it

3. Return to the exchange page, find withdrawal, select USDT, then select opbnb as the withdrawal network, enter the address you just copied, and the withdrawal amount should be more than 10USDT

4. Return to the activity page, click Earn up to 10.8% via lntent Assets, select the first USD button, then click Start Earning, then click Confirm

5. Click DApps below, select SyncSwap, click in and connect your wallet, select Binance Wallet, exchange USDC.e to ETH, select 1, and then click Swap

6. Finally, return to the activity page and click Verify Task Status. It will show that 2 tasks have been completed.

7. Finally, please send the wallet address you just copied to the bottom of this post, and you can also get a rare NFT, don’t miss it

#dappOS意图执行网 #dappOS_com