Trading products: ETHFI/CFX

Trading level: 30f

Trading trend: 30F trend

Figure 1 Figure 2: Figure 1 is the analysis of the 30-minute trend of ETHFI in the evening of the 6th. 30F buys a section of the upward trend, and the trend of Figure 2 is realized~

Figure 3 Figure 4: Figure 3 is the analysis of the 30-minute trend of CFX in the evening of the 6th. 30F buys a section of the upward rebound, and the trend of Figure 4 is realized~

Operational suggestions: Find risks in the rise and look for opportunities in the fall. ICP and STRK can pay attention to the buying opportunities of the 30F downward line segment in the short term, and the target is the upward segment in four hours~