Pay attention! Very important!

How much do you know about the handling fee?

The handling fee is the biggest cost in the transaction process!

Here is an example, taking Binance transaction fee as an example: For example: Principal 1000u

10x leverage, that is 10000u, 10000U*0.05%=5u handling fee

Do 1 contract:

Opening fee 5u, closing fee 5u, total 10u.

Summary: 10x leverage is calculated based on 5 contracts per day. The daily handling fee is: 10*5=50u=350 yuan. The monthly handling fee is: 350*30=10500 yuan

The annual handling fee is: 10500*12=126000 yuan

20x leverage, that is 20000u, 20000U*0.05%=10u. Do 1 contract:

Opening fee 10u, closing fee 10u, total 20u.

Summary: Calculated based on 5 contracts per day with 20x leverage, the daily handling fee is: 20*5=100u=700 yuan. The monthly handling fee is: 700*30=21,000 yuan.

The annual handling fee is: 21,000*12=252,000 yuan.

This is only calculated based on 10x and 20x leverage. If you do 10 aggressively, it will be quite amazing!

According to the above calculation, the handling fee may return tens of thousands of U in a year. If you save money and the account is liquidated due to improper operation, the handling fee can be returned to us. If you also want to have this considerable income, please contact me as soon as possible. DingTalk: ppj577
