The storyline of Wukong's game is based on "Journey to the West". It tells the story that after Sun Wukong obtained the scriptures and became a Buddha, he was unwilling to work in the Heavenly Palace. The Heavenly Palace did not allow it and sent gods to conquer him. Wukong found that the golden hoop had been worn on his head and he was still controlled by the "tightening curse". Therefore, he deliberately lost the battle, broke himself and scattered the "six roots" (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind) everywhere, hoping that future generations, that is, the destiny person played by the player, can collect the six roots and revive a Monkey King without the golden hoop. When I was a child, I only remembered that Sun Wukong helped Tang Seng to obtain the true scriptures and became a god, and everyone was happy. But the plot of the game reveals some more complicated aspects. Gods can also be greedy for power, and the Heavenly Palace can also be bureaucratic and hypocritical. No Buddha is perfect, and no demon is completely evil. It is indeed a "black myth". "The character story is three-dimensional, the protagonist is rebellious and has the spirit of "fighting hardships and setting off again", and there is more sense of substitution and emotional ups and downs in the process of playing. In fact, it is a process of finding yourself