Following his high-profile arrest, Telegram founder Pavel Durov has revealed technical modifications to the messaging app. The alterations were disclosed a day after Durov spoke out for the first time post his arrest in France. Concurrently, Ripple co-founder Chris Larsen and 87 U.S. corporate leaders endorsed Kamala Harris for president. Durov declared on Sept. 6 that the 'People Nearby' feature on Telegram would be disabled to safeguard dissidents from government tracking. This feature will be replaced by a 'business nearby' option. Durov aims to shift Telegram's moderation from criticism to praise this year. Additionally, media uploads to the 'Telegraph' blog will cease due to misuse by malicious users. Durov, arrested on Aug. 24, faces charges of aiding organized crime. He expressed readiness to relocate Telegram from hostile jurisdictions. The 39-year-old French citizen is under court monitoring and bail restrictions in France. Read more AI-generated news on: