Brothers, have any of us ever encountered this situation when signing a contract:

It took a lot of effort to get the green order, but the position was hastily closed. I could have exchanged my bicycle for a motorcycle, but in the end I only made money for a cup of coffee?

Or, you often can’t help but watch the market, panic when it drops, want to stop losses but expect the market to turn around, and end up getting trapped?

In fact, in trading, there are many situations where you cannot hold the order. Why is this happening? How to overcome these problems? Let’s talk to you in today’s article.

1. Reflect on why we ourselves can’t hold orders?

(1) Entry and exit are too hasty

Have you ever had this experience: you accidentally saw an operation suggestion online and thought it made sense, so you followed it; or you saw someone else posting an order in a group and you thought it would make money and you quickly followed it.

In this case, all your transactions are unplanned, and you are the legendary "following the dog". Others buy at the low point, and when you enter the market, you buy at the top; others have sold, and you are still there. Waiting for his trading strategy.

Or, if someone cooperates with the banker to cut leeks, then we can deliver it to their doorstep.

Have you not studied the logic of this order, how to do it, when to enter the market, and when to stop profit and stop loss? When you enter the market in a hurry, you are actually a fish on the chopping board. If you see something is wrong, retreat quickly. It will be too late. If you don't cut off a piece of your flesh, you will regret the market.

(2) Fear of loss

You are afraid of taking profits, and you are even more afraid of losses. These are the two most common emotions of greed and fear in trading. For most traders, fear reigns supreme.

I made a profit of 5% if I was right the first two times, which is a lot of profit. Don’t make a mistake this time. Let’s close the position first, right?

In the previous two transactions, I made a profit first and then stopped the loss. This time I made a profit again. I won't come back to stop the loss, right? Hurry up and close your position first.

I went around and made a bunch of transactions, but still lost money overall.

(3) Distrust of one’s own trading system

You have clearly set up a series of trading plans, when to take profit and when to stop loss, and you have tested the trading system many times. You constantly remind yourself that this time you must comply with your trading plan and never act impulsively.

But when it comes to real-time operations, you keep an eye on the fluctuating market prices, but you can't help but make manual intervention.

2. How to solve these problems?

First, we need to know, what is the source of fear?

Fear comes from the unknown. We don’t know the future trend of the market. We don’t know to what extent the market will lose money and the market will turn around. We also don’t know whether we are making a profit now or whether we will lose money next moment.

So we are afraid, afraid that our real money will be damaged, afraid that our hard-earned money will be lost in vain, afraid that our dream of getting rich will be gone.

Therefore, the best way to eliminate fear is to make the unknown known as much as possible.

Traders cannot predict and determine market trends, nor can they guarantee that every transaction will be correct; however, they can guarantee the probability of a successful and profitable transaction after a certain number of transactions, and ensure the overall profitable outcome of the transaction through the principles of fund management.

Therefore, we never waste time praying for the market to turn around. Instead, we continue to output the trading system that we think is right and establish our own trading strategy in order to achieve positive returns.

3. What can you do to get the order?

The following 4 points must be done:

(1) Have a profitable trading system and strategy

This trading system has first been verified by review for at least 3 years, with more than 100 transactions per year (the total number of review transactions cannot be less than 300), and it has been involved in actual trading for more than one year and is profitable.

Meaning: Know that your trading system can be profitable, know the profitability of your trading system, and not worry about gains and losses due to short-term losses.

(2) Count the number of consecutive correct times of the trading system

Meaning: When you are right consecutively, you are not afraid and can hold the list.

(3) Count the number of consecutive errors in the trading system

Meaning: Don’t be afraid when you make continuous mistakes, and you can hold the list

(4) Count the degree of decline of your own trading system

Use reasonable positions (when the trading account suffers losses, you are not afraid and can hold the order)

Significance: Every trading system will have a loss cycle. Surviving this loss cycle is a very big test for traders. Only with reasonable positions can this trading cycle be safely passed.

One point to emphasize: If a trader can go through the cycle of losses in the trading system and turn losses into profits, he will establish a very large psychological advantage in subsequent transactions. If he encounters losses in the future, he will be able to deal with them calmly and survive them steadily.

The above 4 points are the most basic requirements for being able to hold an order. In fact, the requirements for review are even higher. If you do not understand the above 4 points of your trading system and are not aware of it, you will definitely not be able to hold the order.

A final summary:

Mature traders will not judge their right or wrong by just one transaction result, nor will they care about short-term losses and profits.

There is nothing wrong with not being able to hold the order, because everyone is human, everyone has emotions and their own ideas, and everyone is afraid of losing money.

But if you are afraid and don't make some changes, you may continue to struggle in the quagmire of losses and sink deeper and deeper.

I hope this article is helpful to you, let’s encourage each other, I wish you all smooth trading and your contracts will be turned over every day!