As a result of the UK annual house price index being higher than expected (expected 4.2% / announced 4.3%), slight upward movements can be expected for £ / GBP against € / EURO.

On the other hand, Germany's trade data were negatively affected in July, contrary to expectations. Germany's trade balance was realized as 21.0B expected / 16.8B announced in July. Although limited, some decline may be observed for €/EURO against £/GBP. It is being watched closely.

#gbp #usdt #euro

As a result of the UK annual house price index being higher than expected (expected 4.2% / announced 4.3%), slight upward movements can be expected for £ / GBP against € / EURO.

On the other hand, Germany's trade data was negatively affected in July, contrary to expectations. Germany's trade balance in July was realized as expected 21.0B / announced 16.8B. Although limited, a slight decline can be observed for €/EURO against £/GBP. Closely monitored.