Telegram founder Durov is released and makes 3 major statements

"CryptoCity" previously reported that Telegram founder Pavel Durov was detained by French authorities but was later released on bail. He faces multiple felony charges related to the Telegram platform and is also restricted from leaving the country.

After being successfully released, Durov issued a statement early this morning (6th) Taiwan time. In addition to revealing that he had undergone a four-day cross-examination, he also expressed shock at the accusations made by the French authorities.

"CryptoCity" organizes the statement into three key points, as follows:

Point 1: France has official representatives to handle government requests

Durov said he was informed that Telegram users could be held personally responsible for illegal actions because French authorities had not received a response from Telegram.

He was surprised by this because Telegram has an official representative in the EU handling requests and the French authorities had multiple ways to contact him. Durov personally helped France set up a hotline with Telegram to deal with terrorist threats.

Point 2: Be prepared to leave the market that does not comply with the principles

Durov said Telegram has been working with regulators to find a balance between privacy and security. But when a balance cannot be found, for example, the Russian government has asked to hand over "encryption keys" to monitor people, or Iran has asked to block the channels of peaceful protesters, Telegram refused, and was therefore banned locally.

He also revealed that he would be prepared to leave the market that does not comply with the principles. The driving force of Telegram's operation is to bring benefits to people and defend basic rights, especially in areas where these rights are violated.

It is worth noting that Indonesia, India and South Korea are currently investigating the legality of Telegram. South Korea, in particular, has recently become a major social problem due to the recent outbreak of large-scale deepfakes and illegal pornography, which mainly uses Telegram to spread content.

Point 3: Don’t prosecute using laws that existed before the smartphone era

Durov strongly opposes using pre-smartphone-era laws to prosecute tech CEOs, a practice that is not only outdated but could seriously hinder innovation. He believes that if a country is dissatisfied with a certain online service, the correct approach should be to take legal action against the service itself rather than pursuing personal liability.

The founder of Telegram issued a statement, and TON currency once rose 7%

Binance exchange quotes show that due to the Telegram founder incident and the overall decline in the cryptocurrency market, TON currency has continued to decline from around US$6.8 recently, reaching as low as US$4.514.

However, after Durov made his statement, the TON currency once rose to a high of $4.1917. Based on today's low of $4.582, the maximum cumulative increase reached 7.3%.

The incident involving the founder of Telegram shocked the world and triggered widespread discussion and controversy. "CryptoCity" will continue to follow up on this special feature.

Telegram founder incident special topic "Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested, is it a crime? Or political suppression? 》