Trump promises reelection will boost future industries

In a major speech at the Economic Club of New York, former US President Donald Trump laid out his ambitions to run for president again.

Trump stressed that if he is able to return to the White House, he will work to make the United States a global center for cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence.

The plan involves not only support for emerging industries, but also reducing government intervention in these areas.

“We will not attack the industries of the future, we will embrace them, including making America the world capital of cryptocurrency and Bitcoin.

Trump said in his speech.

This marks a clear shift towards cryptocurrencies, as he had been critical of them during his presidency.

His new attitude has been supported by many tech leaders, including billionaire Elon Musk, who has deep ties to the cryptocurrency space.

Trump further elaborated on his plan, noting that it was not only a policy shift but also an investment in America's spirit of innovation.

He noted that to achieve this goal, he would take a number of measures, including but not limited to cutting regulatory barriers and promoting the growth of domestic energy production.

Through these measures, he hopes to stimulate economic growth, create more jobs and advance America's leadership on the global technological stage.

Trump also proposed to adopt Musk's suggestion to establish a government efficiency committee to audit federal government spending to identify waste and make suggestions for improvement.

The move is intended to enhance the government's financial transparency and efficiency.

During his speech, Trump mentioned China several times, expressing concern about China's growing influence in the fields of cryptocurrency and artificial intelligence.

He stressed that action must be taken to maintain America's competitive advantage.

He also mentioned the trade friction with China, believing that only by strengthening its own scientific and technological strength can the United States stay ahead in this global competition.

Regarding artificial intelligence, Trump revealed his strategic layout, including increasing government investment in the field of artificial intelligence and promoting the application and development of AI technology through public-private partnerships.

He believes this will help the United States maintain its lead in AI technology, thereby driving future economic growth and national security.

Trump's series of policy proposals are intended to outline a blueprint for economic reform after his re-election.

Analysts believe that these proposals reflect the Trump administration's rapid adaptation to the current international economic situation and its emphasis on scientific and technological innovation.

Nevertheless, the details of the implementation and actual effects of these plans remain to be seen.

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