In a Trump-Backed Crypto Project, Insiders Brace for Unusually Large Token Payouts

The team could get 70% of World Liberty Financial tokens, a significantly higher allocation than normal in a project marketed as a solution to the “rigged” traditional financial system.

World Liberty Financial, the new cryptocurrency lending platform promoted by former US President Donald Trump and his children, is billed as a way to “put the power of finance back into the hands of the people” and a solution to the “rigged” traditional financial system.

A draft of the project’s white paper reveals that the vast majority of the power promised by World Liberty Financial will be concentrated in the hands of a select few members: 70% of WLFI, the project’s “governance” crypto token, will be “held by the founders, team, and service providers.”

The remaining 30%, according to the white paper, will be distributed “via a public sale,” with some of the money raised also going to project insiders, though a portion will be set aside in a treasury “to support the operations of World Liberty Financial.”

A 70% allocation to insiders is unusually high.

Ethereum’s Genesis block reserved a combined 16.6% of ETH for the Ethereum Foundation and early contributors (though co-founder Vitalik Buterin later said they received even less).

The three companies behind Cardano, another popular blockchain project, retained a combined 20% of ADA at launch.

Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, is estimated to own just over 5% of the total supply.

When asked, if a 70% allocation to insiders is high? a source who advises early-stage projects replied:

“LMAO. Good joke, Ser.”

World Liberty Financial has not yet finalized its plans, according to a person familiar with the project.

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