You are either growing or dying, this sentence is a true portrayal of Web3. Just like every round of the top 100 projects by market value have to go through a major change, there are always projects that rely on new narratives to achieve explosive growth.

2024 is no exception, even though it’s only eight months away.

This year, TON TVL exceeded US$770 million, an increase of more than 5,600% in half a year, while it was only 13.51 million seven months ago.

This year, EigenLayer TVL exceeded 20 billion US dollars, becoming the second largest DeFi protocol after Lido. At the beginning of the year, this figure was 1.3 billion, an increase of nearly 1,400% in 6 months.

This year, Solana's TVL exceeded US$5.6 billion, while it was only US$1.4 billion at the beginning of the year, an increase of more than 300% in half a year.

This year, GameFi would have been a disappointment if Matr1x Fire had not been around. A game that had only 510 daily active users in early February has grown 1,200 times in just one and a half months.

This year, "any project can launch a chain" has been widely ridiculed, but Caldera is the fastest growing ecosystem this year. More than 60 Rollups, 1.7 million independent wallets, and over US$1 billion TVL are its exclusive pride.

It was also in this year that Monad chose to embrace the community and Meme culture. Its openness and inclusiveness enabled it to accumulate more than 63,000 community members and 12,000 emoticons before the mainnet was launched.

Bringing Growth Hacking to Web3

Everyone wants to be them, but few know how to be them.

We have found that Web3 has never lacked interesting and novel ideas and NB technologies. Just like many people have thought of bringing Move into EVM, but only Movement has succeeded so far. Due to the specificity of Web3, most teams only stay at the hard-core technology, but are unable to integrate their products into the grand technical narrative.

Or they lack the knowledge and ability to build business models, growth strategies and GTM.

Looking back at Bitcoin and Ethereum, whether it is global payment currency or world computer, when encryption shouts the slogan of "moving towards mainstream adoption", the demand for growth is put on the agenda.

We need to re-examine "growth", so what is the real Web3 growth?

From the birth of the World Wide Web in the 1990s to the first proposal of the "growth hacker" concept by Sean Ellis in 2010, more than 10 years of accumulation gave birth to a number of world-class unicorn companies such as Dropbox, Facebook, Slack, Airbnb, Linkedin, and WeChat. As cryptocurrency has also gone through 15 years and has always been at the forefront of ever-changing and developing technology, in order to quickly adapt to market demand and technological changes, it is imperative to establish a "growth hacker" belonging to Web3.

We believe that only when excellent products are combined with excellent marketing can they truly cross the gap and enter the mainstream market. To this end, we will continue the successful experience of the first Growth Hacker Camp last year to further help more developers and entrepreneurial teams. BeWater will join hands with TechFlow to hold the second Growth Hacker Camp in Singapore from September 20 to 21. At that time, we will combine current events and the marketing experience of dozens of global growth leaders to explore the essence of Web3 growth and bring you the most practical information!

Marketing, what did they do right?

Based on the performance over the past six months, we invited mentors from top projects and VCs such as Monad, EigenLayer, TON, Solana, Matr1x, StepN, Caldera, BNB Chain, Dragonfly, ABCDE, SevenX, OKX Ventures and Hashkey Capital to share and discuss four core topics: personal brand and influence, marketing strategy, community culture and organic growth, and Web2 user acquisition and retention.

"Being able to market yourself is the easiest way to prove that you understand marketing"

We believe that in the world of Web3, which emphasizes personal sovereignty, the first step to achieving growth is to find one's own position based on differentiated advantages, express oneself and maximize one's potential.

At that time, BNB Chain Ecosystem Development Director Gala, SevenX Ventures Co-founder FC and from South Korea/ will give special presentations on personal positioning, personal growth, personal brand and Web3 growth.

Marketing is strategy

In addition to individual growth, the important mission of Web3 is to move towards mainstream adoption, from marketing one person to marketing a group of people. In this process, the product needs a growth strategy and needs to achieve growth from 0 to 1 and then to 10 step by step. So how to become the helmsman of the growth flywheel and how to formulate a growth strategy?

In this regard, ABCDE co-founder and Xinhuo Technology CEO Du Jun, TON Foundation Asia Pacific Head Kenny, EigenLayer software engineer Gajesh, Solana Foundation consultant Adam Jin and Matr1x co-founder and CEO Saku will share many experiences in various aspects of marketing strategy.

"In the world of marketing, no company is so powerful that it cannot be challenged"

Of course, in the design of marketing strategies, we must not "pick up sesame seeds and lose watermelons". From past experience, if growth hackers pursue short-term user growth, they will often lead to the loss of user trust. Without a solid foundation, growth may stagnate or reverse. For Web2 users, they have already been "exploited" by Web2 giants. How to gain their trust, activate and retain them is the key to whether Web3 can go mainstream. As the earliest Meme, Bitcoin has built a decentralized consensus in the crypto world. What kind of Meme culture do we need today to promote the organic growth of the community?

In order to answer this series of questions, ABCDE co-founder BMAN, Dragonfly GP Tom Schmidt, Monad Labs Asia Pacific Head SungMo, HashKey Venture Capital Partner Sunny He, StepN, and Caldera CEO Matt Katz will have an in-depth discussion on Web2 user acquisition and retention, community culture and organic growth.

"I would rather create the future than fix the past"

——To Growth Hackers.

Event Agenda

The Growth Hacker Camp will be held on September 20-21.

Application for participation

Currently, BeWater Growth Hacker Camp has opened registration. Please send your resume and your most satisfactory past work to the email address below after registration. Let us join dozens of growth leaders from around the world to focus on growth methods, stimulate collective wisdom, and explore the essence of marketing together!

Registration link:


BeWater Venture Studio is a technology-driven Venture Studio co-invested by ABCDE Capital and OKX Ventures. Our goal is to become the leading technology-based Crypto incubator in the APAC region.

The team is deeply engaged in AI, ZK, Infra, Bitcoin ecology and other fields. It has rich practical experience in economic model design, market expansion, brand influence, and community growth. It is committed to working with founders to create the next most influential Crypto solution.