A Global Settlement Solution Championed by the Trump Family's DeFi Project:US-Pegged Stablecoins

Despite originally offering minimal specifics about its goals, the Trump family's DeFi business, World Liberty Financial, suggested US-pegged stablecoins for wider acceptance on Wednesday.

On their official Telegram channel, the team announced their plan to make US-pegged stablecoins the world's settlement layer for the next century.

It claimed that other nation-states are now attacking the US dollar, which has been the foundation of global banking for decades.

In order to maintain the dollar's supremacy and secure America's financial leadership and influence on the global arena, the team underlined that US-pegged stablecoins would be distributed worldwide.

The Trump DeFi Project Has Hired Security Companies to Evaluate Its Source Code

Tokyo, Fuzzland, Peckshield, and BlockSecTeam are among the security partners that World Liberty Financial has enlisted for their initiative. In addition, these associates have examined its source code.

Furthermore, the project's intention to construct a decentralized financial system using Aave's non-custodial lending platform was disclosed. Aave finished the day with a 10% increase.

"We're not your average aggressive Aave fork. The statement added that history indicates they don't work.

Global Liberty Financial May Reminisce About Dough Financing
The next DeFi initiative, World Liberty Financial, may have certain structural similarities with Dough Finance, according to reports. By providing a user-friendly platform for yield farming, liquidity, and lending, Dough Finance hoped to make DeFi easier to use for novices.

Adhering to this concept, World Liberty Financial is expected to provide a straightforward interface for DeFi activities, necessitating minimum understanding of blockchain technology. World Liberty Financial may have comparable security issues as Dough Finance, particularly if it utilizes Dough's original code, considering Dough's past.

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