Switzerland's 4th largest bank has also come to crypto: Officially announced

Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB), a public bank owned by the canton of Zurich in Switzerland and considered the 4th largest bank in the country, has officially launched its crypto services. The official statement stated that customers will now be able to buy and sell Bitcoin and Ether.

Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB), which has approximately 450 billion Swiss francs under management and was awarded the title of "world's second safest bank" last year, will now start providing crypto buying, selling and custody services.

In the official statement made today, the bank announced that it has fully integrated these services into its existing digital systems. The institution, which is the 4th largest bank in Switzerland, will provide these services in partnership with Crypto Finance AG, a subsidiary of German giant Deutsche Börse Group.

“No need to worry about wallets and keywords”

Alexandra Scriba, the bank’s corporate services manager, said that customers or third-party banks should no longer worry about the storage of keywords and assets.

In 2021, Zürcher Kantonalbank (ZKB) also issued the world’s first digital bond on the SIX Digital Exchange (SDX), a digital asset exchange in Switzerland.

Switzerland embraces crypto

As it is known, Switzerland, one of the richest countries not only in Europe but also in the world, is making its name known with new developments in the field of cryptocurrencies every day.

While many purchases can be made with cryptocurrencies in some cities or regions in the country, especially in Lugano; banks such as Sygnum Bank, SEBA Bank and Maerki Baumann also provide crypto storage and transaction services.


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