The recent ups and downs of the crypto market are like a roller coaster ride. The bull market is soaring one second, and the bear market is pressing down the next second. Everyone is at a loss. Some people decided to withdraw and wait and see, some simply lay flat, some went for memes, and some went to the contract market to gamble on the size.

But to be honest, facing this uncertain market situation, blind operations will only make people more and more confused and lose more and more money. At this time, it is recommended that you stop and think about whether there is a more stable way to manage your funds. After all, investment is not just for risk-taking, but more often for value preservation and appreciation. Instead of watching the market anxiously, it is better to consider financial management, so that your funds can make money for you while resting. Especially now that major exchanges have launched a number of principal-guaranteed financial products, as long as you choose a suitable financial plan based on your asset structure and risk tolerance, it will be both stable and worry-free.

4E Financial Management: Easy to use, stable returns, your choice

When it comes to financial products, the four newly launched financial products by 4E are the best choice. You can earn good returns without spending too much effort. Moreover, whether it is a current account or a fixed deposit, their yields are quite high in the entire market.

Current account financial management: deposit and withdraw at any time, annualized 2.5%, a high return rarely seen in the market

Let’s talk about current account management first. 4E’s annualized rate of return is as high as 2.5%, which can be regarded as a “high-energy return” in the crypto market! Moreover, 4E’s current account management does not have those headache-inducing “tiered interest rate” routines. Whether you deposit 500 USDT or 10,000 USDT, the annualized rate of return you enjoy is the same, all 2.5%! This is much simpler and more transparent than many platforms that calculate interest rates in tiers and play word games with complicated rules.

Think about it, if you keep your money in your wallet and do nothing with it, isn't it just a waste of opportunity? Putting it in 4E's current account management can also allow your funds to steadily generate income.

Many friends who often pay attention to the market have high requirements for liquidity. With 4E's current account management, funds can be withdrawn at any time, without delaying re-entering the market when the market is good. This degree of freedom to operate at any time is safe and convenient.

Regular financial management: high returns and flexibility, up to 5.5% annualized

If you think the market is not volatile recently and you don’t have much desire to trade, then 4E’s fixed-term financial management is very suitable for you. The platform currently provides three fixed-term products: 14 days, 30 days, and 90 days, with annualized yields of 5%, 5.5%, and 5.5% respectively.

To be honest, this kind of rate of return is already very rare in the market. Many similar fixed-term products on the market have an annualized rate of no more than 3%-4%, while the annualized rate of return of 5%-5.5% offered by 4E can be said to be "full of conscience". Especially if you like short-term financial management, the 14-day fixed-term financial management is tailor-made for you. Lock in two weeks and wait for the return to mature. During this period, the funds can earn money steadily, which not only has high returns but also takes into account the flexibility of funds.

Why 4E? AFA's first official financial product

In the cryptocurrency world, it is particularly important for everyone to pay attention to the security of funds. 4E is worth recommending because it not only has a strong platform endorsement, but also has a strict risk management mechanism. As the official first financial product of the Argentine National Football Team (AFA), 4E has been recognized by international authorities. You can imagine that even Messi pays attention to 4E, which is undoubtedly a strong trust endorsement for us. AFA chose 4E as an official recommendation, which proves the reliability and market reputation of the platform. More importantly, in order to deal with possible black swan events, 4E has set up a risk guarantee fund of 100 million US dollars. This high level of protection further enhances the trust of the platform.

In addition, the 4E platform's operating interface is also very user-friendly, with a simple and clear design. Even if you are new to financial products, you don't have to worry about not being able to operate them. The platform's attention to user experience makes all operating steps clear and easy to understand. Whether setting up current or regular financial management, the whole process is very smooth and the speed of getting started is extremely fast. In this way, even those who have no financial management experience can easily enjoy the steady returns brought by 4E.

If you are tired of the current market volatility, you may want to consider 4E's financial products, which will allow your funds to rest while also generating income for you.