TechFlow reported that Binance executive Tigran Gambaryan pleaded with the judge to allow him to undergo back surgery when he appeared in court in Abuja, Nigeria. Gambaryan, 40, said he suffered from a herniated disc and permanent nerve damage due to lack of proper care, and is now unable to walk. He has been detained in a prison near Abuja since April, during which time he suffered from pneumonia and malaria. Judge Emeka Nwite ordered prison officials to provide Gambaryan with a wheelchair.

Gambaryan’s lawyer, Mark Mordi, filed a new bail application alleging serious medical neglect by prison officials that his client’s existing back condition had worsened. Prosecutor Ekene Iheanacho dismissed Gambaryan’s complaint, saying it was not that serious.

Nigeria’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission has accused Gambaryan and Binance of $35 million in currency speculation and money laundering, charges both deny. The judge will rule on the bail application on September 4.