Since Bitcoin hit a record high after the 805 incident, the overall market sentiment towards Bitcoin has gradually deteriorated, even less than when the price of Bitcoin was only $15,000. Especially when the price of Bitcoin once fell below $20,000, although the market's enthusiasm for bottom-fishing seemed high at the time, many investors were eager to catch the opportunity to buy at the bottom with funds, and the situation seemed optimistic. However, the current market sentiment is very different, and both large and small declines seem to be gradually eroding the confidence of long-term and short-term holders. Even a normal correction of 5% to 10% is enough to cause widespread panic in the market, and people are claiming the end of the bull market.

Data comparison and price rationality

However, is this market reaction really reasonable compared with historical data? According to historical trends, the ideal price of Bitcoin should be around $40,000. When inflation is taken into account, the current Bitcoin pricing is actually at a relatively normal level compared with its historical performance. As more and more large financial institutions regard Bitcoin as an inflation-resistant asset and begin to intervene in the market, Bitcoin is gradually being more widely accepted, which reflects that the current price is actually recognized by the market.

Market Opportunities

Historical records show that September is often the month when market prices fall, which not only does not reduce the market's attractiveness, but provides a good opportunity to continue to increase holdings and build positions. In the current market environment, investors should carefully evaluate market dynamics, rationally allocate assets, and use cyclical market fluctuations for strategic investment.

It is crucial to remain calm and objective when analyzing and predicting market trends. Investors should consider various market signals and data comprehensively to make wise investment decisions.

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