Main image text: #BTC

※ Summary before the article: See attached pictures for details

As stated in the article on the 29th, air owners did not have to build lows.

And as described in the accompanying dialogue, this high point would put him in a very low position.

The 31st multi-master mentioned above on the 27th is today. Bulls are not fools, and they also know how to wait until others are short before going to low prices to speculate on the bottom. Yet there are many people who use technical analysis who use the deck to treat the main force as a fool. I do not know how to pull, I will wait for the decline and then speculate the bottom, after changing the market, have to believe that the main force is stupid, that the main force does not understand the look.

——Future (subsequent):

★ Subsequent, currently see multiple owners on time 0 points speculated bottom.

In this way, even if ..... due to theft of counterfeit bombing group temporarily do not publish the second half, Binance Plaza will give priority to posting, please check the posting time, if you need the second half, please search my name to subscribe.