Uncover the truth behind the surge in Notcoin: Is it hype or value return? Investors must read!
NOT, the cryptocurrency in the Telegram game, has risen 5% in the past 24 hours. Many people say that this is because Telegram's founder Pavel Durov may have been released by the French police. As a result, this is false! So, we have to think about whether the price increase of Notcoin can continue.
Speaking of which, Pavel Durov was arrested by France for some things about Telegram before, and he paid a 5 million euro bail, but he had to stay in France and could not leave. As soon as this happened, the price of Notcoin rose to $0.0092, and the trading volume also soared by 50%, reaching more than $400 million, which was very lively.
But now, the trading volume has dropped and the price has started to go down, which means that everyone's interest may not be so high. Look at the data on the chain again, there are more sellers than buyers, which is not a good sign. If the pressure to sell continues, the price of Notcoin will probably slide all the way to its lowest point in history.
Personally, I think the price increase of Notcoin this time is like a gust of wind, which comes and goes quickly. The technical chart also looks like it is going to fall. If it cannot break through the upper line, the price may drop to $0.0085. Of course, if a lot of people suddenly start buying, the price may also rise to $0.0095, but the probability is not high. In short, everyone should take it easy and don't be confused by this wind.
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