PANews reported on August 29 that according to Xinhua News Agency, the Paris prosecutors in France announced on the 28th that Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the social media Telegram who was arrested in France, was prosecuted after the end of his detention that day. He was released on bail under judicial supervision, but was not allowed to leave France. Paris prosecutor Lore Betcuot said in a press release that Durov was prosecuted on the evening of the 28th. He was released on bail under judicial supervision, but he had to pay a deposit of 5 million euros, report to the police station twice a week, and was prohibited from leaving French territory. According to previous news, relevant French government departments are investigating illegal activities such as fraud, drug trafficking, organized crime, child pornography, and promotion of terrorism on the "Telegram" platform. Durov was accused of not taking corresponding measures to prevent these crimes. The Paris prosecutors issued a press release on the 26th saying that the Paris prosecutors began a judicial investigation on July 8 this year that included 12 charges and was not targeted at specific people, and Durov was arrested for this.