"The platform ran away, and the million-dollar investment went down the drain: Liu's dream in the cryptocurrency circle was shattered!"

Dear readers, today we are not talking about romance, but a tragedy in the cryptocurrency circle - Liu's million-dollar investment was instantly wiped out because the platform ran away.

Liu's gamble:

Hearing that his colleague Wang had a channel for overseas investment, Liu was tempted and thought this was a good opportunity to turn things around.

Investing in USDT: From December 2020 to October 2022, Liu transferred 1.84 million to Wang to invest in USDT through various means.

The horror of running away:

As a result, the trading platform suddenly froze, and Liu's million-dollar investment went down the drain overnight.

What did the court say?

The Wuhan People's Court made the final decision: Investment is risky, and Liu will bear the loss himself.

Joke time:

Liu: "Wang, is our investment stable?"

Wang: "Don't worry, it's as stable as an old dog."

Court: "Investment is risky, you need to be cautious when entering the market, Liu, you bear the loss yourself."


Investment is not gambling, don't be fooled by the guise of "guaranteed profit". The platform running away is not a joke, Liu's lesson tells us that we should keep our eyes open before investing.

Liu's case tells us not to wait until the platform runs away before regretting it.

What did you learn from Liu's story?

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