TG founder arrested, female internet celebrity leaks whereabouts of Telegram founder Durov Durov was arrested at a French airport. Why do smart men always have not-so-smart women around them?
Durov faces multiple charges of fraud, money laundering, terrorism, etc., allegedly at the request of the United States, with the goal of cracking down on the currency (TON) circulating on Telegram to continue the previous US SEC sanctions policy. As soon as the news came out, the price of TON tokens fell, the ecosystem TVL decreased by more than 50%, and the market risk aversion was strong.
Many team members of the TON ecosystem have voiced their support for Pavel Durov, and TON officials have also stated that the community is still strong and fully operational. The TON ecosystem has had a rough fate. Initially, Telegram raised funds through IC0, but was later accused by the SEC. Pavel Durov eventually handed over control of TON to the "community", and Toncoin (TON) eventually stood out. TON ecosystem projects have also expressed support for Pavel Durov and stated that their own operations are not affected. Whether retail investors are affected or not does not know, perhaps it is just a means to stabilize the currency price. For the Telegram platform, in addition to the arrested Pavel Durov, there is another co-founder Nikolai Durov who can support the subsequent development of the platform. Although the future of the platform is uncertain, it will not be doomed in the short term. This incident reflects the regulatory challenges and uncertainties facing the cryptocurrency field.
The development of the TON ecosystem has been impacted by the arrest of its founder, but the support of the community and the decentralized communication characteristics may help it overcome the difficulties. Future development still needs to pay attention to changes in regulatory policies and market reactions.