The new member of Telegram & TON ecosystem, Meme coin DOGS, quickly reached more than one million users within 24 hours of its launch through airdrops and user invitation mechanisms. So far, the number of users in DOGS's TG channel has exceeded 1.75 million. This project based on TON and Telegram has an amazing user growth rate.

DOGS uses its powerful Telegram "viral transmission" airdrop model, and its popularity is still rising. The black and white dog image of DOGS is inspired by the mascot Spotty created by Pavel Durov, the founder of TON. Officials said that DOGS is the most native Meme coin of Telegram, aiming to bring the spirit and culture represented by Spotty as a mascot into the world of cryptocurrency, creating an interesting, community-driven, and unique new project.

No cost, no threshold to participate in receiving DOGS airdrop

The DOGS airdrop can be said to be specially prepared for Telegram users. As long as you have a Telegram account, you can receive it. The gameplay is simple and crude.

Currently, it is very simple to participate in the DOGS airdrop. Users only need to join the DOGS Telegram Bot channel. The Bot will airdrop DOGS tokens based on the user's TG account information (such as years of use, whether they are Premium members, etc.).

The robot will automatically analyze your TG Telegram account, rate your account based on registration time and activity, and then distribute points based on the level. In addition, accounts that have opened Premium will receive extra points. You can also get extra points by inviting friends to join.

According to actual tests, most users get around 800-3000 points. For example, if you register a Telegram account for 1 year, you can get 990 points after joining a channel. If you register a Telegram account for 4 years, you can get around 3000 points.

However, these token points are just numbers at the moment, and whether they will have value in the future remains to be seen. If you want to earn more DOGS, you can get them by inviting more new people, which is one of the reasons why it spreads so quickly.

It should be noted that these are only points and cannot be immediately exchanged for tokens. The specific exchange ratio has not yet been disclosed. We will continue to pay attention to how DOGS points are exchanged for tokens and more gameplay details. It is expected that Telegram users may need to register a TON chain wallet and recharge TON to claim tokens. These details are currently unknown.

TON Ecosystem Meme Coin Breaks the Circle Again

Because TON relies on Telegram's huge user base (more than 900 million active users) and strong social network effects, its community and ecosystem have developed rapidly. Since the beginning of this year, the TON chain has grown significantly, and its total lock-in volume (TVL) has continued to hit new highs.

According to DefiLlama data, as of July 11, the TVL locked in the TON network has exceeded $714 million. The market value of TON (Toncoin) tokens has reached $17.9 billion, ranking eighth in the world.

Recently, people's expectations for the TON ecosystem to break out of the circle again are mainly focused on Memecoin. In this round of market, Memecoin's high-quality resilience in market turmoil and the TON ecosystem out-of-circle effect led by Notcoin have attracted a large number of retail investors to bet on the combination of Meme+TON. This year, the combination of these two strong concepts has continued to arouse market imagination.

Although there are still some Meme projects in the TON ecosystem, such as FISH and REDO, they have not yet broken the circle and brought significant wealth effects. TON's genes and features focus more on Web2 and Web2.5 fields such as mini-games, payment applications and cross-border e-commerce, while it is relatively weak in the fields of DeFi and Meme.

In the absence of representative Meme projects in the TON ecosystem, the viral black and white dog DOGS seems to have the potential to become a cultural symbol that relies on Telegram to spread quickly. In the period of short-term market reshuffle, such Meme projects are undoubtedly worthy of more attention from every player.