Today I will talk about those coins with high risk.

If you hold these coins, you need to pay attention.

Continuously update strategies and market views.

For these two days, I went to play on the weekend.

BTC stopped at the 64,000 range, and I thought it would rise or fall sharply.

This kind of rise and fall is difficult to predict. I pressed the small light position, and then I didn't open it, just for fun.

What to do today.

Now, the big cake inserted to 62,000 and rebounded quickly.

It basically maintained in the range of 63,000~65,000.

It is obvious that a dealer controls the market. It is a wave band again.

I will not buy any coins today, just talk about what needs attention.


This incident is quite serious.

Originally, this chain was very popular during this period of time.

It can be regarded as

a new coin is listed and a coin rises.

There are many users.

I am very optimistic about this round, and there are many fans who use this chain to list coins.

However, the boss of ton was arrested, and yesterday it had already fallen. This is not the most serious. The most serious is today's news that ton is suspected of money laundering for terrorists. Once this news came out, it was not very optimistic. Imagine, the little fat man, and Zhao Changpeng. It is estimated that the prosecution will come up soon. It is very popular during this period. Whether it is: ton not launched the ton chain meme coin: DOGE and: the hyped redo, and sui, the long-term potential is good, if you make money, keep it first, unlock it in the near future, there may be turbulence! Pay attention to all. Of course, can the cottage be done? It can be done very well. Recently, the cottage sentiment is getting higher and higher. Many coins have begun to exert their strength, and more and more water has flowed into the cottage. It can only be said that the invisible potential of interest rate cuts has begun. But don't blindly hold a heavy position. In the current situation of the cake, if it falls a little, the cottage may fall deeply. Band range operation is the best. Make money and sell it. Don't be afraid of missing a wave of market in the bull market, and blindly reduce your position. When building a position, it must be in line with your current understanding and the concept of doing business.

If the environment does not meet the requirements, I would rather not do it!

#ton #Dogs #sui #sui链 #pepe