1. Never buy coins at high prices. No matter how much the price goes up, it has nothing to do with you. Just pretend that they don’t exist after you buy them and hold on to them calmly.

2. There are only two types of coins: the ones that are at the buying point are good coins, and the ones that are not at the buying point are junk coins. The coins with large-scale buying points are the future "blue chip stocks".

3. Mentality is the key to cryptocurrency trading. Many people know that it is not a good time, but they can't help but do it. This is a mentality problem. If you don't solve this problem, all the theories you learn will be in vain.

4. Stay calm, don’t be emotionally attached to any currency or price, just be sensitive to market signals.

5. Don’t blame the market for operational errors, blame yourself. Make a summary of every mistake immediately.

6. A mindset without skills is just empty talk. Only insight guided by wisdom can truly form a good mindset.

7. You don’t need to be as greedy as a wolf. As long as you can buy at the buying point and sell at the selling point, you are a master.

8. Stay calm. If you have money, you can have everything. There is always a good currency in the market.

9. In the market, luck can only make you win temporarily, but in the end the market will make you pay double. Don't think about beating the market if you don't change yourself.