The moment I realized I was "so rich"

As I looked at the numbers on the screen, a sudden sense of irony came over me - if it weren't for my accidental discovery late this night, I wouldn't have even known I was ever so rich. 345,506 USDT, this cold number made me realize that I had such a huge wealth, but it all disappeared inadvertently.

Money in the trading market always exists in an illusory form. They’re numbers on a screen, balances in accounts, even a sense of paper victory. Because of this illusion, people often ignore their real existence. When these numbers keep increasing or decreasing, we tend to fall into a state of numbness, as if it's not money, but just points in a game. However, when they disappear, you realize that behind these numbers is real wealth.

At that moment, I suddenly understood that I had once been "so rich." What's funny is that this perception of "richness" only emerged after a loss. This makes people have to reflect on how negligent their attitude towards money is. Perhaps it was precisely because the true value of this wealth was forgotten in the transaction that it was so easily lost.

Light a cigarette and take a deep breath