Example: $RARE

If you jumped into $RARE during a pump and now find yourself holding at a high price, don’t hold on forever hoping for a full recovery. Remember, even Bitcoin was at a similar point just 3.5 years ago in early 2021. Here’s what you can do:

1. Monitor relief bounces

The market often gives you a second chance with relief bounces from key levels. Use these opportunities to recover some of your investment. Stay sharp and ready to act. 📈💡

2. Avoid holding out of greed

Greed can be your worst enemy. If the bounce doesn’t look promising, consider cutting your losses and planning your next move. Don’t get trapped waiting for a miracle. 📉🛑

3. Learn and adapt

Every mistake is a lesson. Analyze what went wrong, refine your strategy, and use this experience to make smarter moves in the future. 📚🔍

Got questions about $RARE? Share them! Your experience could help others too.

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