Answer question number 2

Where do they appear on the graph:

Only 5% of the chart they will participate in the market, those are the chart points that give them very good signals to clearly determine the next direction (this is very important they can ignore 1 or 2 waves). signal to see a clear trend).

The places they enter the market are often at the beginning of a big wave (they have their own appropriate analysis system). They are excellent timers. They spend 95% of their time out of the market (this is the holy grail) whether they have orders or not. They know how to listen to the market even though they have a clear plan for their orders, but if the market goes differently from the plan, they will leave the market to preserve capital or take a little profit, they follow the principle not according to your own expectations.

Answer question 3:

They never believe in any official news, including #fed, the news must be consistent with the comments on technical analysis and also not affect their plans much. In short, they don't need to follow the news.

Answer question 4:

After reading the above 3 sentences, you must have realized the answer. Success lies in their own internal control, not in any other external factors.

Above are a few experiences for those participating in the#cryptomarket to refer to while observing how#BTCmoves. How you get out of the market is the holy grail.

Good day My friends !!!