Main Image text: #BTC

※Abstract before the article: See attached picture for details

Looking at the previous article, it has been mentioned that there are multiple masters and multiple masters, and the price has also increased by 4,500 points.

Since the August 5th article, the August 23rd major event has been described. So I only saw a big rise on the 23rd. However, the price difference between the majority owners and the bearers has not been as terrible as that of the bearers. This is why I have always said before that I suspect that the bulls are self-directed and acted by the bears. If there are really multiple masters, we will break directly to 73,000.

As mentioned earlier at 18:00 yesterday, the possible time for multiple masters to take action was after 20:00, and then we saw an upward trend. The 22 o'clock article also mentioned the decline, and saw a rapid decline in the follow-up. And so far, I haven't seen the empty master at all. Therefore, as mentioned above, it continued to rise after falling back.

——Future (Follow-up):

★Follow-up, as mentioned above, most hosts and multiple hosts will continue until the early morning of the 26th.

However, it seems that at present, all the bulls with controllable positions have ended. There is a 30% chance of multiple events left behind.

Due to theft and counterfeiting, the second half of the group will not be released for the time being. The post will be posted on Binance Square first. Please check the posting time. If you need the second half, please search for my name on X or TG to subscribe.