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$BTC Today's market, red envelope post will be sent later

Weekly pregnant line plus cross line change position

Whether it is continuation or reversal, just follow the pregnant line trading skills

1. Intervene in the pregnant line mother line interval, break through and step back to enter the market again

2. Break through and follow the momentum to do it


Short-term view:

1. The view of 6.2 has been around for a long time. Basically, it is said every day. It has been backed up and made callbacks. It has been effective many times. If you want to achieve a breakthrough, stop loss or break through and step back to leave the market

2. If 5.46 does not fall below, the rebound will not end. Emphasize the view of half a month

3. The wedge structure with 5.66 as the bottom support of the interval has two positions expected at 6.62 and 6.95 [Here is a rebound long order, reduce the position and move the stop loss to 5.72]

4. Daily MA120 The short-term position of weekly MA20 is 6.35, which is the near turning point

5. Draw the trend line along the lower edge of the day, draw the channel line along the upper edge, and support 5.95 along the lower edge

These views have been publicly there. Some fools are just blacking for the sake of blacking. If the view is wrong, it is wrong. I have said it many times. I will have public ideas. As long as you follow the technical posts for a long time or have a certain foundation, you don’t need to work hard at all. You want to eat this and that, and think that everything is a priority. If the thinking strategy is wrong, it will be cut into pieces by Lao Ai. If the strategy is right, you don’t get it, it will be a hindsight. You come to the market to make money, not to stare at right or wrong

If you don’t learn, you are here to give money. This is all for this part