BTC surged and fell back, and dawn is still some distance away

BTC rose in the morning yesterday, and fell back in the evening, staging a wave of surge and fall. The overall price is at the bottom of a large range of fluctuations. It is not normal to rise at this position, but it is normal to fall. If it does not fall at this position, there will be a big drop, especially for those who play contracts, be careful.

ETH will have a bad year after a big drop. Even returning to the basic yellow line of 2800 has become a difficult task. It will be even more difficult to expect it to become the mainstream in the future. As for the trend of wanting to solve the worries in the future, it is even more impossible. The future will only be endless fluctuations. When a wave of market comes, it will exert some strength, and the stock nature will be useless. It can only be a drag, not a leader.

Just to give an example, it is said that the darkness before dawn is always the darkest. In the performance of this market, we did not see much darkness, which proves that dawn is still some distance away; we can't say too much. If we choose the wrong currency, sometimes it becomes pitch black and it is the darkest. This does not foreshadow the coming of dawn. We must see the light to confirm that dawn is really coming! #BTC☀ #ETH🔥🔥🔥🔥