How does the collateral system ensure transaction security

The collateral system for DOGS Token pre-market trading helps ensure transaction security in a few key ways:

1. **Sellers must provide a collateral amount** when placing or accepting a sell order. This collateral acts as a guarantee for the transaction.

2. If a seller fails to deliver the DOGS tokens within the agreed timeframe, they forfeit their collateral, emphasizing the importance of timely transactions.

3. The collateral system mitigates the risk of default by the seller. If the seller does not fulfill their obligation, the buyer can claim the collateral to recoup their funds.

4. By requiring collateral, the system incentivizes sellers to fulfill their commitments. The prospect of losing the collateral if they fail to deliver serves as a deterrent against defaulting.

5. Collateral provides an additional layer of protection for buyers, enhancing their confidence in the pre-market trading process. Buyers know they have recourse if the seller does not honor the transaction.

In summary, the collateral system secures DOGS Token pre-market trades by having sellers put up a guarantee, penalizing non-delivery, and giving buyers assurance that their funds are protected even if the seller defaults. This helps facilitate secure transactions in the pre-launch trading period.


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