According to TechFlow, on October 2, members of the Kenyan Parliament accused Cabinet Secretary (CS) Eliud Owalo of the Ministry of Information, Communications and Digital Economy of misleading the authorities with his report on Worldcoin’s local operations.

Kenya's ad hoc committee investigating Worldcoin said in a report submitted to House of Representatives last Thursday that Worldcoin's actions "constitute espionage and pose a threat to the nation's status." They want the Criminal Investigation Department to investigate two related foreign companies, Tools for Humanity (TFH) Corp and Tools for Humanity GmbH, suspected of operating illegally in Kenya.

The committee, chaired by Narok West MP Gabriel Tongoyo, also wants Parliament to harmonize laws to regulate the country’s cryptocurrency regime. In its findings, the committee noted that “the above statement is inconsistent with the submission made by CS on September 11, 2023. In its submission, CS stated that Worldcoin started collecting data in the public domain on May 31, 2021 and applied to register as a data controller in Kenya on August 22, 2022, a year after they started their activities in Kenya, contrary to the Data Protection Act 2019.”