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Hamster Kombat creators accused of unwillingness to share profits

Anton Gorshkov, CEO of the IT holding AD.RU, told journalists from the publication that the Hamster Kombat token clicker team refuses to share profits with him. The businessman claims that he is a co-investor in the project. According to Gorshkov, the pre-trial claim went to Eduard Gurinovich, who is considered the founder of the project. Anton Gorshkov said that back in 2020, Hamster Kombat founder Eduard Gurinovich approached AD.RU with the idea of ​​​​creating a mobile games and eSports portal called Arenum. The holding, according to the CEO, invested $ 600,000 in exchange for an 18.6% stake. In 2021, according to the CEO of AD.RU, Arenum's expenses still exceeded profits, and the project raised $ 10 million with the support of AD.RU. But the development team, the entrepreneur assured, did not later share its income with the holding. When Hamster Kombat became really popular in the summer of 2024, Eduard Gurinovich refused to confirm the game's connection with AD.RU, says Gorshkov: "In June, I suggested that Gurinovich meet to discuss our position in the project or our exit from it. The meeting took place in a rather strange atmosphere. At first, he said: don't worry, by autumn there will be enough money for everyone.And then suddenly: "You have nothing to do with the project. Yes, we used the team, but the name is different."

The holding's CEO claims that the Hamster Kombat game was created on the Arenum portal's resources, and the clicker game's servers are hosted on the same hosting as the company. The holding sent a pre-trial claim to Gurinovich, Gorshkov told Nikita Anufriev, who claims to have been the clicker game's marketing director, told the publication's journalists that he left the project amid financial disagreements with management. According to Anufriev, he was involved in promoting the project and helping to establish partnerships, but did not receive his percentage of the income, shares, or stake in tokens: "Opinion leaders and everyone involved in the project are convinced that without the active support of influencers, the project would not have achieved such success, and instead of words of gratitude for a ready-made business and tens of millions of dollars in income from advertising integrations, the founders decided to return the early investors' investments, which opinion leaders and any sane person would consider insulting. Therefore, they went public to express their dissatisfaction." "Apparently, the situation inside and around the project is heating up," Anufriev said and threatened that he might soon reveal some details of his exit from the project in order, in his words, to protect investors and users of the tapalka game.The editors of deleted their material after some time. Now, in place of the text, there is a placeholder saying “Page not found”. However, the material is available in the web archive and has been preserved in the form of screenshots. The developers of the clicker game reported that they rejected offers from several venture funds offering legal investments. Earlier, the ChatGPT intelligent data processing and forecasting system noted inaccuracies in the public document of the project, drawing attention to the fact that the description of tokenomics does not include a detailed economic model of Hamster Combat.
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