Let's take a deep look at the subtle trading strategies used by the market makers behind the amazing tenfold increase of PEPE tokens in the previous round:

In April 2023, PEPE tokens were gloriously listed on first-tier cryptocurrency exchanges, officially opening the prelude to their public market trading. The market makers took this opportunity to cleverly lay out and gradually release part of their positions, conduct preliminary market tests and shipments, and lay the foundation for subsequent strategic deployment.

The following six months were a carefully planned wash period for the market makers. They used the subtle regulation of market fluctuations and information, like a craftsman carving, to constantly test the market's reaction and accurately distinguish between firm long-term investors and volatile short-term speculators. During this period, even though the market and many altcoins rose, PEPE tokens performed relatively steadily and had limited gains. This is a carefully designed strategy by the market makers, which aims to suppress the rapid rise in the short term, forcing those impatient retail investors to sell out of disappointment and look for other investment opportunities.

In this process, the departure of a large number of retail investors became an excellent opportunity for the market makers to collect cheap chips. Not only did they successfully absorb these chips, but they also further strengthened their control over the PEPE token market. At the same time, mainstream cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are in a high-level consolidation phase, providing a favorable macro-market environment for the subsequent operations of the dealers.

With the subtle changes in the market direction, the dealers keenly captured the opportunity of the recovery of the altcoin market. They decisively adjusted their strategies, withdrawing funds from mainstream cryptocurrencies and focusing on investing in potential altcoins including PEPE. Against this favorable background, the dealers of PEPE tokens took advantage of the situation to launch a pull-up plan, and with the help of the recovery of market sentiment and the continuous influx of funds, the price of PEPE tokens rose rapidly.

Finally, within one to two months after the inscription (which may refer to the lifting of token circulation restrictions or the dust settling of an important market event), the PEPE token ushered in its glorious moment, and the price soared more than tenfold. Behind this feat is the dealer's accurate market prediction, patient and meticulous wash layout, and decisive and powerful pull-up operation, which together constitute a powerful driving force for the surge in the price of PEPE tokens.

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