[A new market is coming on Monday. The trend of forced longs last night continued at this moment. How to deal with it today? 】

2024.8.19 morning 9:16 BTC market analysis


Last night's market tips today's focus is on the forced long trend. At this moment, BTC has returned to the price of Friday, wiping out all the gains over the weekend! Most of the cottages have also returned to the price of Friday, so you must remember the idea of ​​weekend single weekend!

There is not much data this week, and there are only 10 days left until the end of the month. The market has also reached a critical node, so you must be more cautious in operation!

BTC focus

Support 57000/55200/54100

Pressure is temporarily set at 60500

At this moment, BTC focuses on the integer mark of 58000. If it falls below the large volume and is suppressed, there is still room for stepping back. If it stabilizes until the evening, there is a need for a pullback!

I emphasize again: The market in the next two or three months will be dominated by violent fluctuations. In addition to fixed investment in the long term, medium and short-term patterns are not needed! You can leave a profit pattern of the band!
