The Terra Luna Classic community initiative is looking for a flawless repeg system for #ustc . An initial $250,000 bounty is being offered for development.

The Terra Luna Classic community has begun discussions in search of a flawless repeg system for the algorithmic stablecoin $USTC . The community believes it is time to get serious about the #LUNC✅ revival and USTC repeg.

An initial $250,000 bounty is being offered for the development of a flawless system to repeg USTC to $1, with plans to offer more than $1 million.

“The primary goal is to design, develop, and implement a system that will allow USTC to maintain its peg to USD without the risks that led to the previous de-pegging incident,” said community member NB_Crypto.

The basic requirements for the system are stability, security, transparency, decentralization, economic incentives, scalability, and interoperability. The initiative aims to establish a secure and stable open-source decentralized system.

Along with these, the system should offer monetary incentives to maintain the advantage of stability, high throughput, and interoperability.

In addition, the community is considering further development activities after the recent approval of Genuine Labs' Tax2Gas implementation proposal. $LUNC claims that it will increase the price and blockchain activity.

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