Looking at the W chart, the newly released #Altcoin products have not seen any that have accumulated long enough and are safe enough to confidently invest at this time, guys.

Looking at $ETH, I am also worried, when the current price range is not strong support. It is completely possible that it can run to the previous 2k-2K2 range.

5 months have passed (most altcoins have peaked and reached the first quarter) but the market is still chaotic, with no clear trend.

In the past, to have an altcoin wave, we often see the sw accumulation range for quite a long time, calculated in months, but have not seen any wave calculated in days.

The price of altcoins is very good, but to be safer, reduce the waiting time for the wave to go up, and not feel like the house is picking up the last coins. AE, please calm down and buy, don't go all-in. If you see any support, and the sw zone feels long enough, consider buying first. If there isn't any, stay calm.

Like I set $STRK at 0.4, it has been divided nearly 7 times from the top, quite a lot, but it's still negative until now. @@