PANews reported on August 18 that according to News.bitcoin, economist and gold advocate Peter Schiff suggested that the Federal Reserve raise interest rates rather than cut them, even if this would cause a market crash. He admitted that this approach could cause a stock market and real estate crash, leading to a hard landing and triggering a recession, emphasizing the potential severity of these market consequences.

Economist and gold advocate Peter Schiff recently expressed his views on the US economy, Fed policy, the market rally, and the possibility of an upcoming rate cut on his podcast and social media platform X. Peter Schiff pointed out that decades of Fed policy have made a recession inevitable. He suggested that instead of cutting rates, the Fed should raise them, even if this would trigger a market crash, which he considers a "necessary crash" to correct the economy. He believes: "The right thing to do is to raise rates further and let everything run its course. Of course, the stock market will crash. Real estate will crash. We will have a hard landing. The economy will have a recession." Despite these views, the gold enthusiast admitted that market sentiment is becoming more and more confident that a rate cut is imminent, possibly even before the September meeting. This expectation has begun to affect market psychology.