After selling many $WBTC and $ETH #Jumptrading's wallet has quite a lot of Stablecoins, somewhere around 2/3 of its assets. With Jump Crypto facing an investigation from the CFTC of the US. The chairman of Jump has announced his resignation, so the cutback, for safety purposes, is understandable.

(Jump Crypto is an investment fund focusing on Crypto and is a part of Jump Trading Group. The parent investment fund of the company is Jump Trading)

Although it is a giant American financial group headquartered in Chicago, since last year Jump has been pursued by US financial management organizations and has been involved in quite a lot of FUD.

After the collapse of #FTX, the company's parent investment fund, Jump Trading, is on the list of the 50 largest creditors with a loss of 206 million USD.

In mid-2023, the SEC accused Jump Trading of being the black boss who "rescued" LUNA-UST in 2021. If it weren't for Jump, we might have witnessed the collapse of LUNA-UST 1 year earlier. However, there is no end in sight yet.

Currently, #Jump Crypto is being investigated by the US CFTC and is considered the main reason for the recent sharp drop in ETH prices.

With what has been and is happening, do you believe JUMP can overcome this period to continue to accompany MM wintermute to push up the market price?

If this general has to close, which MM will replace him? DWF Labs, GSR Market, Amber Group, or our Asian oppa Upbit :D