Main Image text: #BTC

※Abstract before the article: See attached picture for details

You need to read the article at 3 a.m. this morning first. After 3 o'clock, you can pay attention to short selling first. Later, we saw the price falling back a bit starting from three o'clock.

However, as mentioned above, you need to pay attention to the empty master and then observe whether the quotation is needed. What does citation mean? The meaning of citation is that before the empty owner decides to enter the market, he needs to confirm the number of enemies from multiple parties. Therefore, he needs to lure the enemies first to see if they can appear, so as to reduce the number of people who speculate on the bottom when he suppresses them. And cause your own costs to increase. Therefore, it means that if the multi-owner is introduced when the quantity is introduced, then for the short-term owner, it is lucky to have the first guidance and will not be eaten when the short-term owner suppresses. Therefore, it is completely different from the general technicians who judge the quotation as the price of historical trend.

——Future (Follow-up):

★As mentioned in the previous article on 17 o'clock in the shelter area, if there is no downward trend before 22 o'clock, we must pay attention to the problem of rising.

At present, please pay attention first... Due to theft and counterfeiting, the second half will not be released for the time being. Binance Square will give priority to the post. Please check the posting time. If you need the second half, please search for my name and subscribe.